Wednesday, September 5, 2012

No Matter the Letters, We are Greek Together.

We Are A Greek Community.

At DePauw University, "greek" does not mean Panhllenic sororities; "Greek" does not mean Interfraternity Council fraternities. Greek life should not consist of terms like "majority greek" or "minority greek," and not every sorority or fraternity needs a house or council to give them value. Members of Greek life at DePauw University should be made to feel empowered and part of a community that promotes growth--they should not be made to feel lesser because of the letters they wear.

But unfortunately at DePauw University, some do.

With Service Week beginning September 8th and the long-awaited Greek Week kicking-off the week after that, the Panhellenic Council excitedly anticipates this 2 week event. These events show off just some aspects that make Greek Life so great: philanthropy, service, and creating close bonds with others in our community. Yet Greek Week is not conducted by one council alone.

The Panhellenic Council is just one part of the Greek community at DePauw University. Panhellenic collaborates with the Interfraternity Council, the National Pan-Hellenic Council, the Multicultural Greek Council, and Psi Lamda Xi for Greek Week. Together these councils and local chapter accomplish some of the most out-reaching and significant philanthropy events, represent some of the most diverse, accomplished students on campus, and offer some of the strongest academic minds and support at DePauw.

The Panhellenic Council is excited to embark on the year ahead fully supporting our fellow greek councils, our Independent Council, and fellow local sorority. We are a part of something bigger than recruitment, bigger than parties, bigger than houses, or member totals, or competition. We are a Greek Community and the Panhellenic Council implores you to embrace it.