Friday, July 19, 2013

Summer Spotlight: Erin Walsworth

Solar oven s'mores!
This summer I had the opportunity to work at the Gwinnett Environmental Center (in the Metro Atlanta area) as an educator. My job was to teach kids about the environment, specifically how to respect and better understand nature with an emphasis on living sustainably.
There were similarities throughout the summer in that each camp involved a lot of hiking and outdoor activity, and we also spent time on learning activities and fun experiments. Each week also brought a different group of campers and a different camp focal point.
Cleaning up an "oil spill"
 My favorite was the Young Scientist camp where we taught the kids how to observe nature and perform experiments like little scientists (the four year olds were too cute for words!) 
I got to work specifically with the 4, 5-6, and 7-9 age groups, and had an absolute blast with the kids!
Teaching is never really something that I pictured myself doing, but they were so eager to learn and it was a subject that I really enjoy so it came naturally and was a great experience. I also loved my coworkers! It was a great group of college students and retired grade-school teachers, definitely a unique mix of personalities!