Monday, July 29, 2013

Summer Spotlight: Celia Kauth

"This summer, I am working as a marketing/education intern at a Christian school in Danshui, Taiwan. My role is to immerse myself in the school-learn the details, meet the international staff, and gain hands-on experience with the kids! I am then expected to take what I have learned about the school, the culture, and the country and publicize the one-year teaching contracts the school offers to DePauw graduates.

Living in Taiwan has been one of the most difficult, yet rewarding experiences of my life. Acclimating to the profound differences between Taiwanese and American culture has been a gradual process, and I am still combating homesickness. 

Although it has not been an easy few weeks, it has been a rewarding experience. I have been able visit incredible places, leap outside of my comfort zone, and gain a stronger sense of global awareness. The kids I work with make my heart smile, and every day has been full of laughs, grins, and new adventures!"